Engine News

ULL Aircraft Maintenance will join the ULPower network in Czech Republic

Jaroslav Stich  and Jan Kubes, both active pilots, know perfectly well how important safety is when flying an aircraft.
Jaroslav is known as a  skilled technician with more than 25 years  experience on heavy maintenance of different brands of  engines.
Jan Kubes  has more than 15 years of experience as  a licensed PART 66 certified B1 engineer at several types of commercial airliners.

In 2018, they decided to combine their knowledge ,  started their very own  company  ULL Aircraft Maintenance, and provide  high  quality maintenance of UL aircrafts and  engines.
The ULL Aircraft Maintenance maintenance team is very enthousiastic to be able to  now expand their skope of work with the maintenance of the  modern ULPower engine.
They are ready to help and support you at ´LKCHAR airport in Charvatce ´ or at your home airport.

Together with Vratislav Hracovec , the Czech ULP dealer who is based in Oloumouc,  they will  now share the ULPower love with the Czech people.
Feel free to contact the Czech ULP team members if you would like to discover the ULPower engine range.

Jan Kubes +420 724 580 879 ( Engl, Cz)  Email : ullservis@hotmail.com
Jaroslav Stich (Cz) + 420 602 589 636  Email : ullservis@hotmail.com
Vratislav Hrachovec Tel: +420 732 749 709    –   Email: hrachovec@vehra.cz


Servis pro ultralehka letadla / motory vznikl napadem v roce 2018, jako reseni provadet spravnou a kvalitni udrzbu ul. letadel a motoru.Servisni stredisko pro ULPower motory je novou polozkou na nasem seznamu sluzeb v nasem servisu a chceme timto krokem umoznit a rozsirit uplatneni tohoto typu motoru v Ceske Republice.
Nasi prioritou je bezpecny let. Jaroslav Stich je znam jako odbornik s dlouholetou praxi, vice nez 25 let v oblasti znalosti motoru a jejich tezke udrzby. Jan Kubes pracuje jako licencovany technik v udrzbe dopravnich letadel a je drzitelem prukazu PART 66 cat. B1 s typovymi zkouskami na několik typu civilnich letadel s vice nez 15 letou praxi tezke a tratove udrzby. Oba dva se venuji aktivne letani s ul letadly. Kombinaci nasich znalosti jsme utvorili dvojici, ktera je schopna Vam pomoci resit nejruznejsi druhy problemů na Vasich letadlech ci motorech jak na LKCHAR sever ci na Vasem domacim letisti.